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Fikom Untar Support the Development of Regional Potential

7 Desember 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Tarumanagara Faculty of Communication Science participated in the development of regional potential in Indonesia, it can be seen from research research presented at the National Conference of Communication 2017 on 4, 5, and 6 December 2017 in Pontianak. The National Conference was organized by the Yogyakarta Mercu Buana University and Association of Communication Science Colleges (ASPIKOM). With the theme “Communications for Regional Potential Development” Faculty of Communication Science University Tarumanagara delegates 4 (four) lecturers Fikom Untar namely Dr. Eko Harry Susanto, M.Si., Ahmad Junaidi SS., M.S., H.H. Daniel Tamburian, S.Sos., M.Si and Septia Winduwati, S.Sos., M.Si in support of the National Conference. One of the communications research presented by Ahmad Junaidi SS., M.S., or commonly called Alex is Diversity Communication: Analysis of the Topics of Coverage on Conflict and Harmony in Sibet Media. the research discusses the concept of Diversity Communication in phenomena in social media, the concept of Diversity Communication is an uptudate thing in today’s communication science “. Said Alex.

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