Postgraduate Program visited by two great Professor from BAN-PT: Prof. Dr. IR. Herman Parung, M.Sc. (UNHAS) and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunjoto, DIP., HE., DEA. (UGM). Both of the Professor came to evaluate the Doctor of Civil Engineering accreditation as one of the major Doctoral program in UNTAR.
In this event, the full team that consists of Prof. Dr. Agustinus Purna Irawan, S.T. (Rector of UNTAR), M.T., Dr. Indra Widjaja, S.E., M.M. and Dr. Ir. Najid, M.T. welcomed all the Accessors. Postgraduate Program thanks BAN-PT for this visitation and hope this visit useful for the development in the future. (RA)