After one Even Semester receiving Brand & Positioning theory course, the faculty’s 3rd semester students are making food products. Students are asked to create products with packaging that meet aesthetic and functional standards, and present a number of brand elements such as brand name, logo, character, brand ambassador, slogan to jingle. Students in groups are required to describe the product in the form of a proposal. The brand inventory proposal contains the history and brand vision, brand elements, positioning, points of parity and points of difference with competitors’ products, to how to build engagement with consumers through various media. Furthermore, by wearing batik, students are also asked to participate in campaigning “100% Love to Indonesian Products” in the products they have created. Through the final assignment of this course, students are expected not only to build the brand and positioning through the theory in the classroom, but also to creatively implement the entrepreneur spirit in accordance with the vision of FIKOM Untar. Moreover, this course is expected to provide stock to students before selecting the specialization of Advertising, Public Relations, and Journalism. (ROS)
Building A Brand Is Not Only A Theory