Untar.ac.id/fikom – International Conference of Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEBM) was held by Tarumanagara University and cooperating with Foreign Trade University in Hanoi, Vietnam on 16th-17th 2017. This International Conference theme was “The Role of Entrepreneurship and Business Management in Shaping Collaborative Economy” and followed by participants from Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Finland, Taiwan, and Australia.
There are three Tarumanagara Science Communication lecturers, three of them are Dra. Suzy Azeharie, MA., M.Phil., Sinta Paramita SIP., MA and Wulan Purnama Sari, S.I.Kom., M.Si who are participated in this international conference. The three Fikom lecturers made dissemination to international academics. Dra. Suzy Azeharie presenting the her result with title “Supporting Household’s Economy: Sasak 99 Women In Marginal Position” discussed about the Sasak tribe women in sustaining economy at Sade Lombok Village.
While Sinta Paramita, SIP., MA presenting her research with student entitled “Local Marketing Communication of Noodle Trader in Petk Sembilan”. This research tell stories about business competition which was done by noodle merchants in Petak Sembilan region. Wulan Purnama Sri., S.I.Kom., M.Si presenting her research with title “Karang Bajo And Leadership” which discussed about Karang Bajo Village development through the village chief. (SP)