Untar.ac.id/fikom – On 18th-19th November 2017, Tarumanagara Science Communication Faculty held an annual routine event, Dharmawisata in Aston Anyer Beach Hotel. The event was attended by all Fikom Untar staffs and lecturers. The purpose of this event is to raise solidarity between Fikom Untar’s big families and Untar.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”32px”][vc_column_text]“Dharmawisata is important for a healthy organization, we enjoy our vacation with family and get to know other family, this holiday make us healthier and fresh, and it’s important to improve academic and non-academic service for Fikom Untar students” according to Daniel Tamburian, S.Sos., M.Si, Fikom Untar’s lecturer
Fikom Untar Dharmawisata 2017