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“Increasing the Quality of Medical Doctor Graduates Through Standardized Assessment” Workshop

12 November 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


erhimpunan Pengkaji Ilmu Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia (PERPIPKI) is the association with the entrusted duty to assess medical science in order to increase the quality of new medical doctor graduates. Therefore, all of the human resources that are involved are required to continuously update their knowledge to support the educational process. Universitas Tarumanagara’s Faculty of Medicine (FK UNTAR) collaborated with PERPIPKI to held the workshop of “Increasing the Quality of Medical Doctor Graduates Through Standardized Assessment” at Saturday, November 11th. There were approximately 100 clinicians, nation-wide, who attended the event at FK UNTAR. There were 4 workshops, they are “Mini CEX and DOPS and the aspect of patient safety in the process” with Dr. dr. Sri Linuwih, Sp.KK(K) and Dr. dr. Nina Kemala Sari, Sp.PD-KGer. as the resource persons, “Portfolio and Logbook as an assessment method in clinical phase studies” with Prof. Dr. dr. Marcellus SImadibrata, Sp.PD-KGEH, FACG., FINASIM., FASGE. and dr. Estivana Felaza, M.Pd.Ked. as the resource persons, “360° Assessment in clinical phase studies” with dr. Arietta Pusponegoro, Sp.OG(K) as the resource person in this workshop and “Medical communication assessment in clinical phase studies” with Prof. Dr. dr. Endang Basuki, MPH. dr. Wresti Indriatmi, M.Epid., Sp.KK(K) and dr. Arif H.M. Marsaban, Sp.An(K) as the resource persons. The event was also opened with a seminar of “Ethics in clinical phase medical study program assessment” by Prof. Dr. dr. Agus Purwadianto, DFM., S.H., M.Si., Sp.F(K).

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