In FK Untar’s continuous effort to enhance and refresh the knowledge and clinical teaching skills for students in the Clinical Doctor Profession phase, FK Untar held a workshop of Clinical Teaching and Clinical Assessment for doctors and specialists who teaches FK Untar students. The workshop was held for Clinical Teachers who practice their medicine at RSUD Ciawi. The Workshop was held in two days, October 12th and 18th at Ole Suite Hotel, Dharmawan Park, Sentul City, Bogor. The key speakers and source persons for this workshop were from FK Untar’s Medical Education Unit and Scientific Research and Publication Unit, they were dr. Rebekah Malik, M.Pd.Ked., dr Yoanita Widjaja, M.Pd.Ked. and Dr. dr. Meilani Kumala, MS., Sp.GK(K).
Clincal Teaching and Assessment Workshop with RSUD Ciawi

27 Oktober 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat