Pilih Laman
ISO 9001:2015 Coordination and SPMI

11 Oktober 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Untar.ac.id/fikom – Tarumanagara Communication Science Faculty held ISO 9001:2005 coordination meeting and SPMI in Main Building 11th floor Fikom Untar. This time, the speaker is Sir Robby AF and Sir Yuwono as representative from PQM. Drs. Widayatmoko, MM.,M.I.Kom as the vice dean and Chairman of Communication Science Study attended this meeting along with all Fikom lecturers which become iso coordination. Rapat membahas tentang skema baru dalam ISO 9001:2015 dan SPMI. Tim dari PQM melihat, menganalisis dan memberikan masukan kepada seluruh Program Kerja (PK) yang dimiliki Fikom Untar. Rapat koordinasi ISO 9001:2015 dan SPMI ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari rapat sebelumnya. (SP) This meeting discussed about new scheme in ISO 9001:2015 and SPMI. PQM representatives observe, analyze, and give a feedback to Fikom Untar work programs. The coordination meeting of ISO 9001: 2015 and SPMI is a follow up from the previous meeting

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