Untar.ac.id/fikom – Accreditation is one of most important aspect in developing Fikom Untar. The point was conveyed by Rector, Prof. Dr. Agustinus Purna Irawan when welcoming BAN-PT Visiting Team in main building, Friday (25/8). The welcoming ceremony of BAN PT Assessor was attended by the Rector, the Dean, Vice-Dean, Head of Program Study, all staffs and students of Fikom Untar. BAN-PT Visiting Team to UNTAR Science Communication Faculty are Prahastiwi Utari, Ph.D (Universitas Sebelas Maret) and Dr. Catur Suratnoaji (UPN Veteran Jatim). The Visiting Team reviewed facilities in academic and non-academic which Fikom Untar owned. Interviewing the staffs, students, alumnis, and graduated users to confirm the data.
Accreditation to Develop Fikom Untar