Untar.ac.id/fikom – On (28/8), In order to succeed the accreditation visit BAN – PT in Tarumanagara University Communication Faculty. Fikom Untar held results and publications exhibition. The research which was conducted by lecturers and students exhibited in form of posters and books. For the last 3 years, researches and community services reach 112 which consist 104 publications and 7 modules of learning. Fikom Untar’s publications which was owned by Fikom is not only nation wide, but also on international, it was seen from the publications research in this exhibition. Fikom Untar also have 2 works and copyrighted. The first book is “Komunikasi & Gerakan Perubahan, Kemajemukan dalam Konstelasi sosial, Ekonomi, Politik” by Dr. Eko Harry Susanto M.Si., 2016
Research and Publications Exhibition