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Post Graduate Program Raised Their Employees Skills

18 Juli 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


This month, Directorate of Post Graduate Program raised the employees’ skills by participating in back to back workshops: service excellence workshop and communication skills in writing workshop.  Both of these workshops ran by the Universitas Tarumanagara (UNTAR).

In service excellence workshop, those employees learn the basic services skills and six major services orientation.  Different with the first workshop, the second workshop helps the employees to improve their writing skills by knowing the basic of corresponding skills.

The workshop presented by an Academic from the Faculty of Economics, Yohana Purnama Dharmawan, S.E., M.Si. and opened by Directorate of Quality Assurance and Human Resources Ir. Gregorius S. Sandjaja, M.T.  This special event run in UPT-PSB who coordinated by dr. Arlends Chris, M.Si.

The Program itself actively participated in this event by sending their employees from various departments, such as those from Library, Master of Management, Master of Civil Engineering, Master of City & Real Estate Development and Post Graduate Head Office.  (RA)

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