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Natalia and Shanny Activities in JKT48 Idol Group

7 Juni 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


The two members of JKT48 are Fikom Untar’s students. Shanny sits on number 4 from the left in front row. While Natalia is on the back row, 3 lines from left.

Hello! My name is Natalia and I am a Science Communication student in Tarumanagara University. Besides as a student, I have other fun activity! Yes, I joined as one of idol groups in Indonesia, the band is called JKT48 and I have been a member since 2012 from second generation and now I have become a member in K3. There are lots of things that I experiences for the past five years and since the first time I join JKT48. Maintaining studies with JKT48’s activities aren’t easy, but if both are equally maintained, it would be easy. JKT48 appreciates hardwork, such as training. Learning lots of dance moves, songs, and the attitudes to speak towards lots of people and in front of medias. Repetition and learning are the keys. Although the training is hard, it’s for the best of the group members, so we can continue and do our best to entertain our fans. (NA)

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