Jakarta, untar.ac.id/fikom – Lecturer of the Faculty of Communication Science Tarumanagara University, Sinta Paramita, SIP., MA dan Wulan Purnama Sari, S.I.Kom., M.Si attends a workshop with theme “Workshop Pendampingan OJS Bidang Ilmu Komunikasi ” organized by (APJIKI) Journals Publishers Association of Indonesian Communication Studies at Faculty of Communication Pancasila University, Jl Srengseng Sawah, South Jakarta (30/03/2017).
Dr. Lukmat, ST., M. Hum as the mentor from the Indonesia Document Centre and Scientific Informatic Research Institution (LIPI WWII). On this occasion, Lukman accompany one of the participants to evaluate self in Arjuna website. “The participants who had filled evaluation and pass the selection will be indexed in Sinta Kemenristek Dikti Website,” claim Lukman.
Lecturers who manage Tarumanagara University Communication Journal assumed “We hope this Communication Journal will be accreditated, as in the preparation of the evaluation has been assessed both in the website Arjuna” said Wulan. (SP)