Pilih Laman
Excursion Study to Telkom, Izzara and Mayestik Projects

2 Maret 2017

Oleh: Admin Pusat


The excursion study has become routine activity each in semester for the Process and Development Studio.  Last semester, the activity was participated by nine students and accompanied by both coordinators, Farrell Nathan and Jessica Tjandra.

The participants visited three major projects, all of which are still on development process.  The first project they visited was the Telkom Landmark Tower at Gatot Subroto. They were welcomed by Bayu Utomo (President Director of PT Telkom Landmark Tower) who presented about the tower development process.

The second project they visited was Izzara Apartment at TB Simatupang.  In this project they met Refan Afrizal (Project Manager of Izzara Apartment).  Refan allowed all participants to wandering around the project and took a look at the show units in the marketing office.  Students also learned about Desari Toll effects here.

The pasar Mayestik at Kebayoran Baru was the third project they visited.  They met Febian (Public Relation), Abu (Engineering) and Lilis (Tenant Relation).  All of them shared about market positioning, and good tenant relations.

Pak Jo as Master Program head hoped that all students could gain lots of valuable information and experiences from the practitioners from the excursion.  (RA)

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