Creativity and Innovation Students of the Faculty of Engineering which is poured through student research competition (LKIM) XIV in 2016, was held to accommodate the innovative works of students, Faculty of Engineering re-organized the student research competition (LKIM) is to XIV on December 16tg, 2016. The main event of LKIM was opened by the Rector, and the chairman of the LKIM who is Dr. Steven Darmawan. The competition is divided into two categories: Design and Research. There are 37 Design papers and 70 Research papers. The judge filtered them into 16 papers for the final. After the presentation, there were three winners in each category and one of the most innovative works in each category, with the following results: DESIGN CATEGORY: 1st: Renaldi Putra Wijaya Mechanical Engineering 2nd: Ananda Surya Agung Juntrisnawati Loi / PWK-RE 3rd: Gary Jonathan Salli / Electrical Engineering Most Innovative works: Wellson Susanto / Architecture RESEARCH CATEGORY: 1st: Lucky Sumanton / Civil Engineering 2nd: Elvi Irawati / Industrial Engineering3rd: Paula Theresia / Industrial Engineering Most Innovative works: Winsen Winata / Mechanical Engineering The champions get some prize and trophy “Congratulations to the winner LKIM XIV in 2016”.
Student Research Competition XIV – 2016

20 Desember 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat