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2nd IMADE Seminar

7 Desember 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Tarumanagara University Faculty of Medicine’s Internal Medicine Department held its 2nd Internal Medicine Annual Update Seminar on Saturday, December 3rd 2016. The theme chosen to be discussed was “Updating Knowledge of Metabolic Diseases and Diabetes in Daily Practice”, which focused on health problems related to chronic metabolic diseases such as Hypertension, Diabetes and Dyslipidemia which are often seen in daily practice. The seminar was opened with an Overview of Medical Ethics by Head Chief of Western Jakarta’s Indonesian Doctors Association Dr. dr. Dollar, SH., MH. and then followed by speakers who are competent in their field of study, they were dr. Ni Made Hustrini, Sp.PD., dr. Yuwono, Sp.S., FINS, and Dr. dr. Muhammad Yamin, Sp.JP., FIHA. on the first session. The first session discussed about Hypertension, Stroke, and Dyslipidemia. The second session discussed about Nutritional education and Fatty liver by dr. Idawati Karjadidjaja, MS., Sp.GK. and dr. Paskalis A. Gunawan, Sp.PD.. On the last session, 2nd IMADE discussed about problems of Diabetes, starting from the latest guideline on its treatment and an update on Diabetes medication by Dr. dr. Hari Hendarto, Ph.D., Sp.PD-KEMD., FINASIM, and dr. Dante Saksono, Ph.D., Sp.PD.. The seminar, held at the Main Auditorium of Tarumanagara University, was attended by almost 300 participants which consist of students, teaching staff and clinician from various Health Institution and Medical Faculty in Jakarta and its surrounding cities.

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