Class capita selekta arrival of a guest lecturer who is a professional photographer, Didiet Anindita. (15/11). Various works of photography for commercial purposes and the arts have been produced by Didiet, among others Femina magazine cover, Dewi, Sosro Bottle Tea, Tea Box, and so forth. In this occasion, Didiet provides insight into techniques and experiences during the photo dabbling in the world of photography to students Fikom UNTAR.
A photographer must be socially competent and able to work with Because, Work a photographer will be in touch with many parties. Parties involved include the owner of the money, the editor in chief if the products are photographed in connection with a mass media, fashion design, stylist and makeup artist. Each of the parties involved have the desire to be terpernuhi and contained in a photograph. Didiet said in the photograph, which has money power. A photographer also should have an attitude of non idealistic. This can facilitate the work of photographers in working images in accordance with the wishes and needs money owners or clients. Didiet also added in the world of photography, do not always think about the money, do your best to make the clients be satisfied. No matter if your payment obtained is not comparable with a brilliant idea, a long process, and the images are stunning, the most important is the continuous cooperation. When the client is satisfied, he will entrust the same photographer to do the next project. (S/A/L)