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2nd IMADE Seminar Announcement

27 Oktober 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


2nd Internal Medicine Annual Update

Updating Knowledge of Metabolic Diseases and Diabetes in Daily Practice

The Faculty of Medicine of Tarumanagara University (FK Untar) will hold it’s second annual national seminar of Internal Medicine Annual Update on Saturday, December 3rd 2016. This seminar is one of FK Untar’s continuous efforts in raising the knowledge level of Indonesian physicians in the field of Internal Medicine. On this year, the committee decided to held the seminar with the theme of “Updating Knowledge of Metabolic Diseases and Diabetes in Daily Practice”. For the past decade, Indonesia has gone through a transition on it’s disease epidemiology. Infectious disease is not the most common cause of deaths anymore, it’s position has been taken over by degenerative diseases, like stroke, hypertension, cardiac diseases, and vascular diseases. According to the data from 2007 Riskesdas (Riset Kesehatan Dasar) survey, stroke and hypertension placed first as the leading cause of deaths in Indonesia. Obesity prevalence was 19% and it is predicted that it will continue to rise every year. 42.8% of Indonesian people is lacking in physical activities. It is of no surprise that the prevalence numbers of metabolic diseases, lipid disorders, and diabetes continues to rise with all these factors left unchecked. The 2016 IMADE will discuss mainly degenerative diseases. From all diabetes cases in Indonesia, the ones who received treatments are roughly two thirds of the population, and from those populations, only half reached satisfactory blood glucose control. The developments and researches on metabolic diseases and diabetes are abundant, but unfortunately, not all Indonesian physicians know and understand these developments. It is FK Untar and IMADE 2016 committee’s hope to urge Indonesian Physicians to attend, learn, and implement the knowledge that IMADE 2016 has to offer on medical science developments and degenerative disease treatments to create a healthy Indonesia Society. These are the tentative topics that we will discuss :

  • Hypertension in Geriatric Patients : dr. Ni Made Hustrini, Sp.PD.
  • Lipid Management in Cardiovascular Disease : dr. Ika Prasetya Wijaya, Sp.PD.-KKV
  • Treatment and Prevention of Stroke : dr. Yuwono, Sp.S. FINS
  • Nutritional Therapy in Obesity : dr. Idawati Karjadidjaja, Sp.GK.
  • Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease : dr. Paskalis Gunawan, Sp.PD.
  • Update on Indonesian Guideline of Diabetes Mellitus : dr. Andra Aswar, Sp.PD.
  • New Insight on Diabetic Drug : dr. Dante Saksono, PhD., Sp.PD-KEMD

In this event, we will also hold an Abstract and Poster Competition in which the theme may be everything that is related to the Internal Medicine subjects. The deadline for submitting an abstract or poster is at November 22nd 2016. You may click on the link here to see the 2nd IMADE Abstract and Poster Format. For more information, you may contact and register here : SMS center > 0838 1351 3550 Suratmiatun > 0878 7552 3607 Wiwik Rahayu > 0812 8418 528 Email : fkuntarseminar@gmail.com The registration fees are as follow :

  • Specialists : Rp. 500.000,-
  • General Physician : Rp. 300.000,-
  • Students : Rp. 100.000,-

If interested, you may transfer the registration fees to : Bank Mandiri, under the name of Samuel Halim/Velma Herwanto No Rekening : 1170054005400 Mandiri FK Untar

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