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Playing a DC motor with Android Phone – Electrical Engineering UNTAR

20 Oktober 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


The word “Microcontroller” is already familiar for the electrical engineering students. The microcontroller itself is used to control electronic circuits and can store the program in it. Because of the importance of the microcontroller functions in the lectures of Electrical Engineering, Mr. Suraidi, ST., MT., conducted an Arduino Uno Training. The training was held on October 14th, 2016 in the Computer Laboratory 3rd floor of Block L Campus 1 UNTAR. Arduino itself is one of the microcontroller which has a simple and easy to understand user interface.   The training was instructed by four electrical engineering students and attended by 18 participants. This training was applied to control two different simple circuit which are a series of 4-bit LED and a DC motor circuit. This control uses android phone that is wirelessly connected using HC-05 Bluetooth connection.   This training raises the impression for participants. “The training this time is special. In here, we learn to apply arduino board with android AppInventor. I can control the rotation of the motor with android application that I created myself. Extraordinary “, said Cynthia Putri, one of the participants.

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