Writing is a skill that needs to be possessed by students of Communication. This is due Bachelor of Communication Studies, mostly working in the world of Public Relations, Journalist and advertising will be very familiar with writing activities.
However, not all students of FIKom are able to write well and correctly. Lack of exercise, lack of vocabulary, knowledge of which path will write to make such activities not be easy.
by a guest lecturer in the classroom Capita Selecta Rifa Nadia Nurfuadah realize about this issue. She provides tips for ease in writing. According to Rifa, the first thing to do is to look for ideas. If you already know the idea of writing, then start thinking systematically.
“The idea is sorted, if the writing of A, meaning I had to interview anyone, should find any data,” said Rifa who is also an editor okezone.com.
Rifa added that the data is important in writing. Therefore, the data must be valid in writing. And do not forget to focus on one topic.
“The focus that could mean only one idea per paragraph, sentence last major explanatory sentence,” she said. (S/A/L)