On July 28, 2016 a Yudisium / release of graduates of Faculty of Engineering of the University was held at the Auditorium of Building M. In this even Semester, Academic Year 2015/2016 Faculty of Engineering Graduate degree release 244 S-1 graduates and 11 graduates of Master consisting of: Master of Architecture: 11 Graduates Bachelor of Architecture: 103 Graduates Bachelor of Civil Engineering: 54 Graduates Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering: 18 Graduates Bachelor of Electrical Engineering: 25 Graduates Bachelor of Industrial Engineering: 12 Graduates Bachelor PWK-Planning: 32 Graduates Among the graduates are Best Graduate of each department are: Sutarki Sutisna: Master Program in Architecture Clara / 315120134: Architecture Nico Lawrence / 325120020: Civil Engineering Veronica Teny Lukito / 345120030: Planning Techniques Maharuli / 515120012: Mechanical Engineering Fandy / 525120027: Electrical Engineering Gilbert Giovanni Salim / 545120046: Industrial Engineering This event takes place as smoothly as this event’s Executive Chairman is Ir. Henny Wiyanto from Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. The Dean’s Speech and by the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs opened the ceremony followed by releasing the graduates. Then, the event was ended with a feast. “Congratulations to the New Graduate from Faculty of Engineering”
Even Semester Yudisium, Academic Year 2015/2016

29 Agustus 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat