On July 29, 2016 Faculty of Information Technology Tarumanagara University (FTI UNTAR) carry out the inauguration of the board of the Student Executive Body (Badan Eeksekutif Mahasiswa – BEM) and the Student Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa) in the period of 2016/2017 in FTI Seminar Room, Building R Floor 11. This event was preceded by handover, from BEM / DPM prior-year period to the new board period 2016/2017.
The event opened with a welcome speech and briefing by FTI UNTAR Dean, Prof. Dr. Dyah Erny Herwindiati, M.Sc., attended by ir. Jeanny Pragantha, M.Eng. (Pudek I), Wasino, M.Kom. (Pudek II), Lely Hiryanto, M.Sc. (Kaprodi TI), Zyad Rusdi, M.Kom (BINMA), Tazul Arifin, M.Kom. (Head Pulahta and Student Affairs) and students board
From the results of student elections, elected Br. Hendy Gunawan (NIM 535 130 072) as the head of BEM 2016/2017, and Br. Michael Ernest (NIM 535 130 034) as the head of DPM 2016/2017. It is expected the new administration board can implement sustainable systems that work programs have been implemented and are still relevant can be continued by the new board.
Congratulations to you all.. (j)