On Tuesday, June 28th, 2016, Chairman of the Institute conducted the inauguration of Student Organization Leaders (Orma) in the Faculty of Engineering of the University, the event begins with lunch for those who did not fast. The opening ceremony by Vice Dean Dr. Adianto, M.Sc., followed by a welcome and briefing by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Agustinus Purna Irawan.
Handover of certificates of Student Trustees (Binma) in the period 2015-2016 by the Assistant Dean II, Ir. Tony Winata, M, Sc. and the next is the certificates of Chairman of Student Organizations (Orma) 2015/2016 and Decision Letter To Chairman of the Institute for Student Organizations period 2016/2017 by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering. At the Summit of the Joint Statement signed by the Chairman of Student Organizations. Here are the names of the chairman in the Faculty of Engineering: Chairman of BEM: Andi (Civil Engineering)
Chairman of DPM: Kevin Richsen (Civil Engineering)
Chairman of Imarta: Eikla Satya
Chairman of Imasta: Hartono Wijaya
Chairman of Imamta: Juan Albert
Chairman of Imalekta: Roby
Chairman of Imaplanta: Ezra Bagaskara
Chairman of Marsipala: Renaldo Bunaidi
Chairman of Robotics: Danieal