National Qualifications Framework Indonesia (KKNI) is Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2012 about qualification frameworks competency which could equalize and integrate the education and the field of job training and also work experience in order to award the recognition of the competence of work in accordance with the structure of employment in various sectors.
Fikom UNTAR has reviewed and compiled the curriculum into the National Qualifications Framework Indonesia (KKNI). Until now there are only two (2) Faculty of Communication in Indonesia have implemented the curriculum KKNI, FIKom UNPAD and Fikom UNTAR.
From odd term 2016 onward, FIKom UNTAR will implemented the KKNI curriculum. The KKNI curriculum Implementation is expected to support FIKom UNTAR’S student competence in academic and non-academic, and also they can compete globally. (S/A/L)