On the 1st of June 2016, The Faculty of Medicine of Tarumanagara University (FK Untar) and Tarumanagara Knowledge Centre (TKC) received the visits from the participants of 2016’s Pertemuan Nasional Pustakawan Perspustakaan event held by the National Health Department (Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia. There were 80 participants that attended, who were the head chief of the library of Politeknik Kesehatan (POLTEKES) and government’s hospital from all around Indonesia. This visit was led by the Head Chief of the Library of National Health Department, Santy Komalasari, S.Kom., MKM. and was received by FK Untar’s dean, Dr. dr. Meilani Kumala, MS., SpGK.(K) and her vice deans, FK Untar’s Library Chief, Ambar Pratiwi, S.Hum. The purpose of this visit it to widen the knowledge of the event’s participant on the development of libraries across Indonesia, which is also carried out together with socializing Kemenkes’s health promotion program, “ One Search KINK in achieving Institution’s Open Access Repository”. FK Untar’s Library and TKC was appointed as a role model library. TKC is considered as a role model of modern library that represents one of the intellectual recreation facility on education field. And FK Untar’s library is considered as one of the supporting facility that is crucial in the educational process, which is reflected on FK Untar’s ranked A achievement . The participants were pleased for the short visit, and hopes to be able to follow in the footsteps created by FK Untar’s Library and TKC, both physically and on how the library management is run.
POLTEKES Chief’s visit to FK Untar Library