Saturday, June 18th, 2016, at 2nd Floor of Labtek II Building, FTMD Seminar Room, ITB, A Doctoral Exam was occured for Promovenda Lies Banowati, with title of the Dissertation: “Study of Application of Composite Materials benang Rami / HDPE and Its Application in Design Tools of Boston Medical Brace Scoliosis “. The Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Agustinus Purna Irawan was invited and attended as an External Examiner to the dissertation. It becomes a honor for the Faculty of Engineering to keep contribute to the development of science and technology. Promotion exams which occured smoothly and have produced new Doctor Dr. Lies Banowati. Congratulations to Dr. Lies Banowati with The promoter Team: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Rochim Suratman, Dr. Ir. Bambang K. Hadi, Dr. dr. Agus Hadian Rahim. Hopefully the hard work and innovation that will benefit people and development of science and technology.
External Examiner of Doctoral Promotion, FTMD ITB