Communication Week 2016 ( CommWeek) is an annual event organized by the Faculty of Communication UNTAR’s students. The event was organized to introduce FIKom UNTAR to the public. The theme of CommWeek this year is New Era Of Communication and will be held from 21-24 June 2016 in Gandaria City Mall .
For four days, visitors can enjoy many interesting events, such as guest star performances, bazaar, and competition. Each day will also be a talk show with a variety of interesting themes, such as the Personal Branding Through Social Media, Citizen Journalism, Youtube as a New Medium of Communication , I Love Jakarta and Come on, Sell Yourself!
“The style of Talkshow’s we make is more relaxed, the discussion that explores the world of journalism, Public Relations ( PR ) and advertising. The speaker also has expertise in the field,”said Elysabeth as one of the organizers CommWeek 2016. (S/A/L).