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Exursions Study: Process Studio and Development Studio Class Master Urban and Real Estate

23 Mei 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


The students’ excursion becomes a routine activity in each semester for Process Studio and Development Studio Class. This year, this activity had been participated by 20 students and had been guided by the coordinator of those classes, Farell Nathan, S.T., M.T. and Jessica Tjandra, S.T., M.T.

This excursion was held on 2nd April 2016. The participants of this study visited 3 projects, which are on the process of development in Jakarta. The first, students visited UOB Tower in M.H. Thamrin, Central Jakarta. In UOB Tower, the participants were welcomed by Stephanus Satriyo (General Manager Building Management) and Amelia Kusuma (Senior Structural Engineer). In the first destination, the participants were explained about the Thamrin Nine development concepts. Thamrin Nine development has reached the second phase, that mainly concentrates on the land plot behind the UOB existing building. The participants also got valuable information about the UOB collaborations with MRT. In the future, UOB Tower will have a direct access to MRT station.

For the second destination, the participants visited Wisma BNI 46. They were also welcomed by Dra. Tuti Heryadi Kurniawan, M.T.  (Magister of Urban and Real Estate Development’s alumnus, also represents as the Marketing Manager), Natanael Wibowo, S.T. (Assistant Manager), Hardiyanto Rusli (Senior Architect), and Sri Hapsari (Deputy Chief Customer Service). In this visit, the participants learned about building management system in Wisma BNI 46 and BNI City. They were also taught how Wisma BNI 46 maintains its building value.

The third destination was Ancol area in Noth Jakarta. Joni and the team from Ancol led the participants to discuss resident’s character in Ancol area, and the problems that have been encountered by tourists in the area of Taman Impian. According to Joni and the team, there are plenty of people who come to this tourist area, ranging from in the low, medium, to high class income visitors. In the last visit, the participants got the opportunity to observe the town house development in Ancol Area.

In this event, the participants got valuable explanations from the experts about development both in the small and large scale planning. The participants who joined this excursion are going to have a real insight from the current development.

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