Communication Forum (Forkom) is a yearly event held by the Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Information Technology Tarumanagara University (DPM FTI UNTAR). The purpose of this activity is:
1.To provide aspirations and answers to the students of FTI Untar for the posted questions. 2.To provide scope or channel to students to fulfil their aspirations.This activity is transparent and a two-way communication so that students know or understand about the problems and faculty’s policies to address the problems. Socialization of information are provided in the form of questions and feedback.
This year, Forkom held on Monday, April 25, 2016 at Seminar Room, Building R floor 11 FTI UNTAR with the theme “Your Aspiration Are Our Inspiration”. The event opened with remarks from Dean of FTI UNTAR, Prof. Dr. Dyah Erny Herwindiati, M.Sc. and some remarks by Ir. Jeanny Pragantha, M. Eng., as Vice Dean of Academic Affair, and Mr. Wasino, M.Kom. as Vice Dean of General Administration anf Finance, and students adviser (Binma) Mr Zyad Rusdi, M.Kom, Mrs. Lely Hiryanto, M.Sc. as the head of Computer Science Study Program and Mrs. Desi Arisandi, Kom, MTI. as the head of Information Systems study program, Dr. Jacob, as Head of Administration Office at FTI, and Mr. Tazul Arifin., M. Kom. as Head of Student Affairs FTI.
In this event, aspirations of FTI Student is accommodated and appreciated by the faculties especially FTI UNTAR and can be realized in the form of support or encouragement in order to provide better academic environment.
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