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2016 Communication Forum Results

18 Mei 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


On May 4th 2016, the Student’s Representative Board of Faculty of Medicine of Tarumanagara University (DPM FK Untar) held the 2016 Communication Forum with the purpose to share their aspirations to the dean of FK Untar about the educational process of FK Untar. This event is attended by the dean and supporting staffs of FK Untar and student’s representatives from every semester. On this occasion, the students were able to share their aspirations on academic and non-academic field, such as input on the time schedule, skills lab teaching process, and problem based learning in the competency based curriculum. There were a lot of questions and discussions between the dean and the students. The dean and staffs of FK Untar answered the questions and received the aspirations from the students.

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