The students of the Faculty of Medicine of Tarumanagara University, through ICU FK Untar (I Care about yoU) realizes that aging is not a process that you can evade. Aging often becomes a serious matter for most people, and so it becomes a special concern for them. Answering the WHO cal for “Aging well” must be a global priority, ICU FK Untar arrange an event where they will visit a senior care facility, Panti Werdha Melania, at Jl. Pahlawan no.4 to share their care for the elderly. YOUTH stands for Young and Old United Together to Create Happiness, and as the title says, we’re going to bring joy to the elderly with various activities, such as aerobic exercises, magic show, and dance session with the elderly. This event will take place on Saturday, May 14th 2016, at 7 AM until 1 PM local time.
YOUTH from ICU FK Untar

2 Mei 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat