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8 April 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Jakarta, April 7, 2016 – Representative of the Student Executive Board from Faculty of Communication Sciences Tarumanagara University (BEM Fikom Untar) held gathering and publications to several high schools in some areas in Jabodetabek. This event was conduct in order to inform that Faculty of Communication Tarumanagara University will hold a competition soon. BEM Fikom UNTAR will hold “Communication Festival Days”, which aims to make a competition for high school students in Jabodetabek who have good ability in the field of storytelling, debates, essay writing, photography and art. The competition will hold at Graha Suara, 8 Floor, Building M Campus 1 University of Tarumanagara.

Communication Festival Days 2016 which will be hold for three (3) days from 2-4 May 2016, with the theme CULTURE is aiming to disseminate and preserve the culture of Indonesia as well as to improve the student’s ability who participates in this event. The event consists of five (5) competition which is, the story telling, debates, photography, essay, and vocal group.

CULTURE or Budaya in Indonesia is selected to become the theme of this event. Culture is fundamental structure that the committee wants to show within 5 (five) category of competition. In storytelling, participants will compete to tell famous legends in Indonesia such as, Keong Mas and Legend of Tangkuban Perahu. In the debate competition, participants will debate about cultural and social problems that occurred in Indonesia. In photography contest, participants must take a photo of Tarumanagara University main building. In the essay writing contest, participants will be asked to make writing or an essay that describes the Indonesia’s world-famous culture, such as Wayang and Batik. While in the category of vocal group, contestants will sing Indonesian traditional song such as Yamko Rambe Yamko which originated from Papua. Related to this competition, participants can contact Audrey Andrea (0812-9005-3381) or mention official twitter of BEM Fikom UNTAR (@bemfikomuntar)

Communication Days Festival is expected to make the students who are the younger generation of the nation to become more thoughtfulness, loving and preserve the culture of Indonesia, in everyday routine. See you in the arena Communication Days Festival 2016! (AA)

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