IMASTA (Ikatan Mahasiswa Sipil Tarumanagara) from the Faculty of Engineering held a Leadership Training again from 11 till 13 March 2016 at Villa Kathulistiwa Mendung, Bogor. Its objective is to create an conducive environment of organizational, and also to regenerate leaders and administrators for the organization and trained their skills management. The Chief Executive of this event Mr. Sylvester Mozes with participants about 60 students from the Civil Engineering Department. With the theme “Together We Lead”, two speakers which was Mr. Kurnia Setiawan, S.Sn., M. Hum., from the Faculty of Visual, Art and Design and Mrs. Chelsea Widodo, S.H., from the Faculty of Communications. Speech from The Faculty of Engineering by Dr. Adianto, M.Sc., Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs. It was also attended by the Chairman of the Department of Civil Engineering, the Department Secretary and the Student Adviser.
“Together We Lead” Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan Mahasiswa”

17 Maret 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat