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General Discussion: Regional Autonomy Implementation in Jakarta

13 Maret 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


On 14th September 2015, Dr. Amad Sudiro, S.H., M.H., M.M. (the Dean of the Faculty of Law at Tarumanagara University) opened the General Discussion with the speaker, H.M. Anas Effendi, S.H., M.M. (the Mayor or West Jakarta), with the theme “Regional Autonomy Implementation in Jakarta”. This general discussion held in TKC (Tarumanagara Knowledge Center) Seminar Room, 6th Floor of the Main Building, Campus 1, Tarumanagara University. This event was attended by the Tarumanagara Foundation Representatives, the head of Tarumanagara University, the head of the Faculty of Law, and the students of the Faculty of Law and the other guests.

Regional autonomy is a regional right, authority, and obligation to manage their own households due to the legislation regulation. From those meanings, it’s clearly told that regional got the autonomy rights  from the central government to manage their own matters.

Regional autonomy implementation has entered the new era after the agreement from government and People’s Representative Council (DPR) by the legislation validation UU No. 32, 2004 about Regional Autonomy and UU No 33, 2004 about the Financial Balance between Central and Regional Government. Both of that regional autonomy legislation are the revision from UU No. 22 and No. 25, 1999.

Accordance with the new autonomy legislation the regional government got the broader, real, and responsibility in their authority. The balance of each task, function, and role between central and regional government drive the obligation to each region to have income as their sources of financing to held the regional government activities. The expectation is each of the region could well develop, independent, prosperous, and competitive in their activities either for the government or their own region development.

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