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6 Maret 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Pada tanggal 26 – 29 Januari 2016, Tim Robotics UNTAR kembali mengikuti kontes 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 dengan mengikuti 2 kategori lomba, yaitu kategori Humanoid Robot Competition dan RC Underwater Robot Competition. Tim Humanoid Robot Competition diwakili oleh Danieal (535130080), Januar Chayadi (525140026), dan Kevin William(545140106). Dan tim RC Underwater Robot Competition diwakili oleh Janice Kartika Mamamoba (525120004), Novia (545130041), dan Reno Wardy (525110024). Dengan dosen pembimbing bapak Didi Widya Utama, S.T., M.T. Kategori Humanoid Robot Competition mempertandingkan robot yang berbentuk menyerupai manusia (humanoid) dengan misi robot harus berjalan mengikuti garis berwarna putih berpola segitiga serta menendang bola tenis meja berwarna jingga yang berada pada sudut setiap persimpangan. Pemenang kategori ini adalah robot dengan waktu tercepat mencapai finish. Sedangkan kategori RC Underwater Robot Competition, mempertandingkan robot yang dapat menyelam dan bergerak di dalam air yang dapat memindahkan kelereng sebanyak mungkin dari sisi satu ke sisi lainnya selama 4 menit. Kategori RC Underwater Robot Competition diikuti oleh 29 tim bertanding pada tanggal 27 Januari 2016. Tim RC Underwater Robot Competition UNTAR berhasil memindahkan 3 pasang kelereng. Sedangkan kategori Humanoid Robot Competition diikuti oleh 22 tim bertanding pada keesokkan harinya (28 Januari 2016). Tim Humanoid Robot Competition UNTAR belum dapat menyelesaikan keseluruhan misi dengan baik hingga selesai. Pada kesempatan kali ini, Tim Robotics UNTAR berhasil mengikuti keseluruhan rangkaian kegiatan kontes 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 hingga selesai. Dengan melihat dari pengalaman kali ini, Tim Robotics UNTAR langsung melakukan perbaikan guna mempersiapkan diri lebih baik untuk mengikuti kontes 24th Singapore Robotic Games 2017. ROBOTICS UNTAR!! BISA!! BISA!! BISA!! 23rdSingapore Robotic Games 2016 merupakan kontes robot bergengsi dikawasan ASEAN yang diikuti oleh beberapa negara ASEAN. 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 diselenggarakan atas kerja sama IEEE Robotics dan Automation Society Singapore Chapter serta Institute of Technical Education, Nanyang Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Robotics Games Society (Singapore), Singapore Polytechnic, Science Centre Singapore dan Temasek Polytechnic. 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 diselenggarakan pada 26 – 29 Januari 2016 di Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre, ITE Headquartes. 23rd Singapore Robotic Games mempertandingkan 16 kategori lomba.

On January 26th till January 29th 2016, Robotics UNTAR Team come back to the contest for the 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 following two categories which are the Humanoid Robot Competition and RC Underwater Robot Competition. The Humanoid Robot Competition Team is represented by Danieal (535130080), Januar Chayadi (525140026), and Kevin William (545140 06). The RC Underwater Robot Competition team was represented by Janice Kartika Mamamoba (525120004), Novia (545130041), and Reno Wardy (525110024). They are under the supervise of Mr. Didi Widya Utama, S.T., M.T. Humanoid Robot Competition is a competition of human-like shaped robot (humanoid) with missions which are walking through the line of white patterned triangles and kicked an orange table tennis ball on the corner of every intersection. The winner of this category is a robot with the fastest time to finish. The RC Underwater Robot Competition uses robot that can dive and move in the water and they can move marbles as fast as possible from side to side for 4 minutes. RC Underwater Robot Competition participated by 29 teams and was held on January 27th 2016. The RC Underwater Robot Team from UNTAR managed to move three pairs of marbles. The Humanoid Robot Competition was participated by 22 teams on the next day (January 28th, 2016). The Humanoid Robot Competition Team frim UNTAR was not able to complete the entire mission well to complete. On this opportunity, Robotics UNTAR successfully followed the whole series of contests of 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 till the end of the event. With this experience , UNTAR Robotics Team immediately make improvements in order to prepare for the 24th Singapore Robotic Games 2017. The 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 is a robot contest in ASEAN region followed by several ASEAN countries. 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 was held with the cooperation with IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Singapore Chapter and the Institute of Technical Education, Nanyang Polytechnic, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Robotics Games Society (Singapore), Singapore Polytechnic , Science Centre Singapore and Temasek Polytechnic. 23rd Singapore Robotic Games 2016 held in the Tay Eng Soon Convention Centre, ITE headquartes with 16 different competition.

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