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Building Information Modelling for Precast Concrete

13 Februari 2016

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Last semester, Master of Civil Engineering Program held a guest lecturing about “Building Information Modelling (BIM) for Precast Concrete”. This enticing topic presented by Ir. Andi Gunawan Mulia, M.Eng., the CEO of Excel Precast Pte. Ltd. Singapore, at the Main Building of Universitas Tarumanagara.

In his presentation, he told students about the formula to handle complexity and raise performances at the construction project by using high-technological information system. He also told that BIM for precast concrete, as a software, could explain the strengths and weaknesses of the projects.

As part of construction engineering course, the objective of this guest lecturing session is to develop the students’ concept and knowledge about BIM for Precast Concrete. Moreover, in the future, that concept and knowledge could applicable in a real-life civil projects. (RA).

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