In the yudisium which is held by the Faculty of Engineering on January 26th, there are best graduates for each program. 6 undergraduate programs and one master programs graduatestudents with the highest GPA. Here are the names of the best graduates from each program: 1. Master of Architecture — Rudy Surya (317 141 019) 2. Architecture Program — JillHendrata (315 110 094) 3. Civil Engineering Program — Erwin Pranoto (325 120 037 ) 4. Urban and Regional Planning Program — Priandy Yaputra (345 110 014) 5. Mechanical Engineering Program — Suprobo (515 120 002) 6. Electrical Engineering Program — Reno Wardy (525 110 024) 7. Industrial Engineering Program — Reynaldo Hutomo(545120002) Congratulations to all the best graduates.
Best Graduates of Faculty of Engineering 2016