On the golden celebration of the Faculty of Medicine on October 1st, 2015, the Faculty of Medicine at Tarumanagara University held a series event, including community services and a series of seminars. National seminar I is the national seminar with “The Invention of Herbal Use in the Medical Field” as a topic. This topic was chosen in accordance to herbal research development by the working unit of herbal and functional foods. In this seminar we discussed the latest development in herbal science, such as endophytic development, nanotechnology, safety and benefit review of herbal application in general practices, also “Evidence Based Medicine Herbal Indonesia melalui Saintifikasi Jamu”. We invited experts on Herbal Science, they were Prof. Dr. dr. Purwantyastuti, MSc, SpFK; Prof. Dr. Shirly Kumala, MBiomed, Apt; Prof. Dr. Mustofa, MKes, Apt; Dr. rer. Net. Deni Rahmat, Msi, Apt; Dr. dr. Amarullah H. Siregar, FAARM, FAAN, FABC, DIHom,DNMed, MSc, MA, PhD; P’rof. Dr. dr. Hendro Sudjono Yuwono, SpBV(K); dr. Danang Ardiyanto; Prof. dr. Marcellus Simadibrata, PhD, SpPD, KGEH, FACG.
The Invention of Herbal Uses in the Medical Field

1 Oktober 2015

Oleh: Admin Pusat