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Jurnal FIKOM edisi Maret 2009

17 Februari 2015

Oleh: Admin Pusat


Abstract: “Political advertisement” has not been recognized as a legal term in Indonesian legislations although it is widely used in practice. The absence of advertising regulation in this country also creates some difficulties in determining the acceptable indicators of political advertisement as currently aired by some TV stations. The Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) along with the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Press Council (Dewan Pers) are slated to set up such indicators, but due to the time constraint, it seems they may not complete the job quite on time. On the other hand, these expected indicators actually are not too crucial in term of consumer protection because the Indonesian legal system has already provided other instruments in dealing with misrepresentation vis a vis the issue of the freedom of expression in political advertisement, such as those in the Criminal Code and in Law No. 8 Year 1999. This article discusses a general overview on political advertisement and how to protect television viewers whom may be considered “consumers” in the perspective of the Indonesian law. Keywords: political advertisement, freedom of expression, consumer protection, misrepresentation.ETIKA BERKOMUNIKASI DALAM PENYAMPAIAN ASPIRASI

Andy Corry W. Abstract: communication is very fundamental in our daily activities for conveying aspiration. Many observe that the practices of such communication tend to be unethical; meanwhile there have been certain legal protections and guarantee on the freedom of expression in our country. This article discusses the importance of the ethics of communication in order to support the establishment of peaceful and harmonious interactions among community members in Indonesia. Keywords: ethical communication, aspiration, information.CATATAN ATAS UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 11TAHUN 2008 TENTANG INFORMASI DAN TRANSAKSI ELEKTRONIK

Sidharta Setelah ditunggu hampir tiga tahun (terhitung sejak drafnya diserahkan ke DPR), akhirnya rancangan undang-undang yang diprakarsai Depkominfo ini resmi menjadi undang-undang dengan label “Undang-Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik” (selanjutnya disingkat UU-ITE). Undang-undang ini mulai berlaku tepat pada peringatan hari Kartini, yakni tanggal 21 April 2008.ALAT-ALAT PROPAGANDA DI DALAM IKLAN PARA CALON PRESIDEN

Riris Loisa Abstract: for many decades propaganda techniques have been used in political practices around the world. These techniques have been criticized for being one sided and not representing reality. This article analyzes some indications of propaganda techniques that are used in the current television advertisements of Indonesian presidential candidates. To gain a better understanding about the contents of these advertisements, the analysis applies semiotic method. Since propaganda techniques tend to give one sided message leading to imbalance information, the television audience should be critical toward advertisements as such. Keywords: propaganda, name calling, transfer, testimony, card stacking, plain folks, semiotics, critical audience.CONTROVERSIES OF AL-QAEDA’S WEBSITES= EXISTENCE IN THE INTERNET (Case Study: The Banned of Al-Qaeda’s Website,alneda.com and drasat.com)

Kartika Oktorina Abstrak: sejak dua puluh tahun yang lalu Internet telah memiliki karakteristik yang sama dengan saat ini: terdistribusi, terdesentralisasi, memiliki sistem jaringan terstruktur, dan bersifat terbuka. Pada mulanya Internet diklaim sebagai ruang publik baru yang menyediakan kebebasan yang adil bagi setiap individu. Akan tetapi, seiring dengan waktu, mimpi utopis mengenai kebebasan Internet tanpa batas semakin terkikis. Setelah serangan 9/11, Internet dituduh sebagai salah satu senjata berbahaya dalam menciptakan teror. Beberapa bukti bahkan menunjukkan bahwa pelaku teror menggunakan Internet untuk menjalankan operasi 9/11. Bagi Al-Qaeda, Internet menjadi sebuah alat yang unik dan berguna untuk perjuangan jihad mereka. Kata kunci: internet, terorisme, kebebasan berbicaran, ranah public baru, Al-Qaeda, Website

RATING TELEVISI DAN MASYARAKAT DESA Eko Harry Susanto Abstract: The rating model presented by AGB Nielsen putting the number of audience as the main indicator, is repeatedly challenged by those who often raise the issues on the quality of television programs and the ideal role of media in our society. Due to this, the Sain Estetika dan Teknologi (SET) Foundation, TIFA, and many other independent institutions, that care about the quality of television programs, carry out a quality survey without referring to the indicator of audience number. Unfortunately, the two rating models do not sample rural society although such people are also considered the loyal viewers of the same television programs. In the era of information democratization, they should be given the same right to determine what programs are suitable for their own needs. If such a right is being ignored continuously, one thing is for sure that this condition will produce dissatisfaction within society and also put aside the spirit of pluralism. Keywords: rating, media role, rural society.
MENCARI PENANGGUNG JAWAB PERS Wina Armada SukardiAbstract: article 12 of Law No. 40 Year 1999 on Press stipulates that the press corporate leaders in charge of business and editing will be responsible for any wrongdoing in their media publication. Since most of the Indonesian press legal entity is “Perseroan Terbatas” (PT), so the board of directors is considered the responsible body to represent the whole elements in the corporation. But, this law does not give any clear explanation whether its president director can delegate such responsibility to his subordinates as adopted in the previous regulation. The author of this article elaborates several concepts of press liability and finally, recommends a very possible solution for this controversy. Keywords: liability, press legal entity, waterfall system, fictive and successive system.RUBRIK RESENSI: KEBEBASAN ATAU KEBABLASAN PERS KITA

Eko Harry Susanto Kebebasan Pers semula ibarat menunggu Godot, hanya menjadi angan–angan belaka pada era pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto. Tetapi sesungguhnya jika merujuk kepada aspek historis, ternyata pada masa Presiden Soekarno, di luar sistem politik liberal yang memakai Undang–Undang Dasar Sementara Tahun 1950, kebebasan pers menjadi semacam duri yang mengganggu ketenangan pemerintah. Memang pada mulanya, dua masa pemerintahan itu, menyuarakan tentang pentingnya kemerdekaan pers dan perlunya hubungan yang harmonis antara pemerintah dengan pers. Dengan kata lain, ada masa bulan madu antara penguasa dan pers.

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