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Psychology Profession Study Program

Improving Family and Society Life Quality in Digital Era

Fields of Expertise

∎ General Psychologist

Career Path

1. Professional Psychologist
2. Psychological Public Speaker
3. Psychological Researcher

Psychology Profession Study Program is B-accredited that can be completed within 3 semesters. The study program is the only one in Indonesia that offers Art Therapy Practicum courses that provide an in-depth understanding and application of art as a therapeutic method, as well as Capita Selecta courses: Family, Art, and Digital Psychology.

The design of the learning curriculum is to produce reliable and professional psychologists, in accordance to Pancasila and UUD 1945, as well as carry out duty in accordance to Indonesian Psychologist Code of Ethics.

Learning is supported by complete infrastructures, business experts and professionals, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), sharing sessions and field studies in industry and business. Recognition of Prior Learnings, by course, and by research application programs are also available.



Psychometrics Laboratory

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