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Master of Civil Engineering Study Program

Building Constructions and Infrastructures Oriented on Information Technology

Fields of Expertise

Construction Engineering Management
Contractor Management
Water Engineering

Career Path

1. Contractor
2. Consultant
3. Entrepreneur
4. Site Engineer
5. Structure Engineering

Master of Civil Engineering Study Program is Excellent-accredited and can be completed in 3 semesters with areas of expertise including Structure, Construction, Construction Management, Geotechnical Transportation, and Water Engineering.

Excellent in technological science development in the field of building construction and infrastructures through innovation and inter-discipline research, and in cooperation with various industries, associations, and government institutions.

The design of learning curriculum is to produce reliable graduates and has an entrepreneurial spirit to become successful professionals or company owners in civil engineering and other fields.

It is equipped for all students of specialization to resolve Construction Disputes.

Learning is supported by complete infrastructures, business experts and professionals, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), sharing sessions and field studies in industry and business. Recognition of Prior Learnings, by course, and by research application programs are also available.

Featured Courses

Project Planning, Scheduling and ControllingBesides equipping students with foundational principles and theories of project planning scheduling and control, skills on applying technologies are also provided in this course. The implementations of the study is not only with focus on the new construction projects, but also on ongoing projects by emphasizing on the optimization methods. Through rigorous practices and analyses, scholars are expected to develop comprehensive skills in planning and controlling their projects optimally.
Construction Cost Estimation and ControlThe course provides students with the essential skills and techniques necessary to conduct rigorous cost estimation and control in construction projects. By examining the projects thoroughly, this subject also covers the implementations of those various cost estimation methods and control techniques in comprehensive ways. In doing so, the technological application will be explained in the course. Through practical exercises and guidance, scholars are expected to develop proficiency in designing and executing the appropriate methods and techniques in their real working life experience.
Joint ResearchJoint Research refines students' skills in crafting scholarly researches in the field of Construction Management. This subject covers various aspects of construction engineering, construction management, construction administration, and construction technologies. The researches emphasize on either analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, or creating insights that found in the projects in Indonesia. Through guided instruction and hands-on practice, scholars develop the proficiency to produce well-researched, logically structured, and intellectually rigorous dissertations that contribute to the advancement of construction field.
International ConferenceAs one of the requirements to disseminate the research results, the international conference plays a crucial role in shaping careers and expanding horizons. It provides a platform for networking and learning from global experts and also foster personal growth and professional recognition.


Geology and Soil Mechanics Laboratory

Construction Material Technology Laboratory

Sruveying and Soil Measurement Science Laboratory

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics Laboratory

Mechanical Engineering Laboratory

Pavement and Highway Laboratory

News & Achievements

PUPR Minister Conveys Climate Change Anticipation Policy in Hydraulic Engineering Expert Seminar at Untar

PUPR Minister Conveys Climate Change Anticipation Policy in Hydraulic Engineering Expert Seminar at Untar

Untar hosted the 8th Hydraulics Engineering International Seminar (HEIS) at the Untar auditorium on Saturday (25/11). The event organized by Indonesian Association for Hydraulics Engineers (HATHI) was themed "Water Actions Toward Climate Resilience, Green Economy and...